Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday thoughts

Today, Izzy has a 104 fever. We went to urgent care, only to be sent home with a Popsicle. She was super cudlely and she and I fell asleep on my lazy boy together. Having a sick child is so emotionally hard. I am so thankful that she is not sicker, but I wish I could make her and all kids better.

Last summer I photographed a baby tat was terminal for his parents. Really tough but these parents are amazing, they offered his organs to other parents with sick children. So even though they lost their son, so many other parents were given the gift of life to their children. I think this might be one of the greatest sacrifices a parent can go through.

There is a great organization called "Now I lay me do to sleep" They coordinate free photography for the parents with children that are sick and will not be with us for long. Please support this group or pass their name along to anyone that might need them.

I offer all of my help to any parent that may be faced with a tough choice. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help. My services are free and I promise that your love for your child will not go unnoticed.

Please take some time to call, write or hug someone you love today. Be it a parent, sibling, or partner; they all need to know how much we appreciate the love we are given.


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